
OCS v4.3 Rules

OCS v4.3 Rules Bookmarked for easy navigation

OCS v4.3 Rules in online "markdown" format for easy digital navigation (created by Eric Dornshuld, opens in new window)

OCS v4.3 Charts & Tables

OCS Series Rules Errata 6 Sept 2019

OCS 2021 Marker Sheet (published with TTW, front and back)

Turn Checklist

OCS Consolidated Errata, Clarifications, House Rules, Dean's 'Gamey or Not' list



Legacy Rules & Charts

OCS v4.2 Rules

OCS v4.2 Charts

OCS v4.1 Rules

OCS v.4.1 Charts - Page 1 Air

OCS v4.1 Charts - Page 2 Barage

OCS v4.1 Charts - Page 3 Combat

OCS v4.1 Charts - Page 4 Supply

OCS v3.1 Rules

OCS v3.1 Rules Errata

OCS v.3.0 Charts - Page 1 Air

OCS v3.0 Charts - Page 2 Barage

OCS v3.0 Charts - Page 3 Combat

OCS v3.0 Charts - Page 4 Supply

OCS v3.0 Rules Errata

OCS v3.0 Index

OCS v2.0i Charts & Tables

OCS v2.0i Rules

OCS v2.0 Rules

OCS v2.0 Charts & Tables

OCS v1.0 Rules

OCS v1.0 Charts & Tables


Air Boxes

Generic Dumps Boxes I

Generic Dumps Boxes II

Random Dice Roller: generates random dice rolls using atmospheric noise, differently than algorithms used in computer programs.


Legacy Markers

OCS 2018 Marker Sheet front

OCS 2018 Marker Sheet back

OCS v4.2 2016 Marker Sheet front

OCS v4.2 2016 Marker Sheet back

OCS v4.1 2013 Marker Sheet front

OCS v4.1 2013 Marker Sheet back

OCS v4.0 2006 Marker Sheet front

OCS v4.0 2006 Marker Sheet back

OCS 2004 Marker Sheet front

OCS 2004 Marker Sheet back

OCS 2003 Marker Sheet front

OCS 2000 Marker Sheet front

OCS 2000 Marker Sheet back

OCS 1996 Marker Sheet front

OCS 1996 Marker Sheet back

OCS 1994 Enemy at the Gates Marker Sheet front

OCS 1994 Enemy at the Gates Marker Sheet back

Links to:

Legendary XMas Counter Sheet page

2017 Errata Counter Sheet (Baltic Gap, Case Blue, GBII, Beyond the Rhine, Sicily, The Blitzkrieg Legend, DAK2, Korea 2003, Korea 2014, Sicily II)

Special Ops 3 Counters (2012) (Baltic Gap, GBII, Case Blue), the accompanying article is here.


Replacement Counters

Recent OCS games have often included errata counters for earlier titles.  Here is a list of what can be found where, in the format "Counters for ____ can be found in ____."  Errata counters for earlier games were included in the "Legendary XMas Sheets" sent out by The Gamers between 1992 - 2000.  

  • Hungarian Rhapsody - The Third Winter, Crimea
  • Smolensk - Hungarian Rhapsody, The Third Winter, Crimea
  • Sicily II - Smolensk, Hungarian Rhapsody, The Third Winter, Crimea
  • Tunisia II - (no errata counters)
  • Beyond the Rhine - (errata and variant French) Tunisia II, Smolensk, Hungarian Rhapsody, The Third Winter
  • Reluctant Enemies - (no errata counters)
  • The Blitzkrieg Legend - Korea (2nd printing), Smolensk, Hungarian Rhapsody, The Third Winter, Crimea
  • Baltic Gap - GBII (2011 printing), The Blitzkrieg Legend, Special Ops #3
  • Case Blue - GBII (2011 printing), Special Ops #3
  • Korea - Special Ops #1 for Korea 2003; Tunisia II , Smolensk for Korea 2014, Hungarian Rhapsody for Korea 2014, Crimea for Korea 2014
  • GBII - (counters needed from Case Blue), Special Ops #3 and Smolensk for GBII (2011); Case Blue (some of the "GBII Repeats" counters) for GBII (2001) (see CB Rules page 1).
  • Sicily - GBII (2011 printing)
  • Burma - (no errata counters)
  • DAK2 - GBII (2011 printing)
  • Hube's Pocket - XMas 1997, XMas 1999, XMas 2000
  • Tunisia - XMas 1995, XMas 2000
  • Enemy at the Gates - XMas 1994, XMas 2000
  • Guderian's Blitzkrieg I - XMas 1992, XMas 1994
  • "Generic" Breakdown Counters - XMas 1997
  • "OCS Dumps" (Letter-designated Dump markers) - XMas 1998