Detailed Walkthroughs or informative AAR's:
- Reluctant Enemies Starter Guide - Living Rules version of the "Starter Guide" included with Reluctant Enemies. It is a detailed walkthrough of Turn 1.
- Reluctant Enemies Extended Starter Guide - Detailed walkthrough of a Reluctant Enemeis game, Turn 2 through the end of the game.
- Learning the Ropes – Article by Ric Van Dyke from Operational Matters detailing a full turn from the Primasole Bridge Scenario included with the game.
- Tunisia AAR – Jim Kuchar’s excellent detailed AAR for the entire campaign of the first Tunisia game.
- DAK2 AAR - Jim Kuchar's detailed AAR for the Operation Compass Scenario from DAK2, first posted on Boardgamegeek.
- AAR page by Vincent François with multiple games (some in French and some in English) is here.
- Big Board Gaming YouTube tutorial of Korea "Enter the Dragon Scenario", posted in 2012:
- Big Board Gaming YouTube tutorial on "Complex Combats" is here.
- Calandale's YouTube intro to OCS using Reluctant Enemies is here.
- Mo Romaniuk's series of 49 YouTube videos about OCS, including Live Stream play of Reluctant Enemies and Sicily II is here.
- Ardwulf's Lair overview of OCS, by Gary Mengle (profile of the system and introduction to counters) is here.
- Dickie van Tol's OCS Tutorial YouTube Series is here. This excellent series currently has 5 videos: Modes, Air & Artillery, Supply & Transport, Fog of War & Managing Uncertainty, and Combat.
- Ari Katanos' "OCS World" Video and Tutorial YouTube Series is here.
Operational Matters: An OCS Guide
Operational Matters was published in 2016 and included the game Sicily II. It is now out of print. Editor Mark Milke did a terrific job of assembling these articles for the magazine. The articles are posted here with the very kind consent of MMP.
Game Play
Game-Specific Articles
Electronic Game Engines
- Home page for Vassal is here
- Getting Started guide for Tabletop Sumulator is here
OCS 101- Detailed examples of play illustrating specific rules or concepts
- Hipshoot Example - Detailed walkthrough of a Hipshoot from Smolensk
- Combat Results and Retreats - Covers all situations that can come up during Combat Results and Retreats
- Key OCS Definitions
- Air Missions - Detailed walkthrough of a Sicily II turn with an example of every kind of Air Mission
- All About DUKW Units - The most questions per counter of any unit
- Stacking and Fog of War - What exactly must I show to my opponent (version 2, updated 30 Sep 2020)?
- Northern Pincer AAR - Detailed walkthrough of first two turns in northern map section by Arnaud Leclerc (version 1.2, updated 26 Oct 2019)
- Vitebsk Introductory Scenario - This detailed walkthrough of the 1-turn Vitebsk scenario by Chip Saltsman was published in Special Ops #9, Summer 2019. Co-winner of 2019 Charles Roberts award for "Best Historical or Scenario Article".
- Which Scenario Should I Play? - Article by John Bowen from Special Ops #7, Summer 2017, which rates nearly all OCS game scenarios by difficulty from "Just to Learn" to "Times that Try Men's Souls."
- Vassal Keyboard Shortcuts - One-page summary of shortcuts when playing OCS games on Vassal.
Player-Created Play Aids
OCS Translations
(If you have additional translated OCS materials, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. me with them.)
- Chinese:
- Chinese Language v4.3 rules (by Fangzhou Liu) is here.
- Chinese Language v4.3 charts (by Fangzhou Liu) are here.
- Chinese Language Rules v4.3 document is here.
- Chinese Language Sequence of Play is here.
- Chinese Language rules for Burma and Beyond the Rhine are linked on their specific OCS Depot pages.
- Chinese Language Gaming Forum and Chat Group is here.
- Finnish Language wargame blog "Huoltoreitti" (supply line in Finnish) run by gamer Marko Tainio has an OCS article here.
- French Language OCS Page, with links to a French language OCS v4.0 Rule Set, and translations of materials for Hube's Pocket, Sicily I and DAK2 is here.
- French: Excellent AAR of Blitzkrieg Legend Campaign Game by Vincent François is here.
- French translation of State of the System message is here, kindly translated by Christophe Foley.
- Italian: OCS Sequence of Play
- Japanese:
- OCS Wiki Page
- Japanese Language Rules v4.3 document is here.
- Japanese Language DAK2 rules are on the DAK page.
- Spanish:
- Spanish Language Rules v4.3 document created by Julio Travesi is here.
- OCS Movement and Supply (Spanish Language: OCS Movimento y Suministros) YouTube video is here.
- Swedish: Baltic Gap AAR (Swedish Language) is here.
Other Material:
- Into the Gap by Malcolm Cameron, an article from Special Ops #4 (2013) recounting a beginner's perspective on OCS.